French Fry Lip Balm is a Real Thing


March 13, 2013 3:15 PM by Smash

French Fry Lip BalmOn the surface, this looks like a great product for anyone who loves shoving fast food in their face. Probably tastes like fresh out of the fryer fries and will be in the pocket of every fat man and women in America. HOWEVER, there is a potentially major downfall of this. Other than the fact that your lips will constantly remind you of your diabetes, if it does anything normal fries do than it’s the worst product in the world.

You know when you eat fries (I’m looking at you McDonald’s) and when you’re done your lips feel like they were injected with salt? That’s one of the biggest issues with fries. No matter what you do, it’s going to happen. And if you happen to have chapped lips just cancel your plans the rest of the day. You’ll probably be in a hospital bed with an IV attached directly to your lips.

So yeah, this product. If it even resembles the taste and features of an order of fries, you’d have to be a certified lunatic to use this shit. Well or weigh over 326lbs.

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